NAET Food Allergy Therapy: A Holistic Approach to Treating Food Allergies

Food allergies can have a significant impact on quality of life, leading individuals to avoid certain foods and live in constant fear of allergic reactions. While conventional treatments focus on avoidance or desensitization, alternative therapies like NAET (Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique) offer a holistic approach to managing food allergies.

In this blog post, we’ll explore what NAET therapy is, how it claims to treat food allergies, and its benefits and limitations for those suffering from allergies.

Nanoparticles reprogram mouse immune systems to cope with allergens -  Chemical Engineering

What is NAET Therapy?

NAET, developed by Dr. Devi Nambudripad in 1983, is a non-invasive, alternative therapy designed to identify and eliminate allergies, including food allergies. The therapy combines principles of acupuncture, chiropractic care, kinesiology, and nutrition to reprogram the body’s response to allergens.

The core idea behind NAET is that allergies are caused by energy imbalances in the body when it comes into contact with allergens. By correcting these imbalances, NAET practitioners believe that the immune system can stop reacting to allergens, thereby eliminating the allergic response.

NAET therapy claims to treat a variety of allergic conditions, including food, environmental, and chemical allergies. It is important to note, however, that NAET is considered an alternative treatment and has not been widely accepted by the conventional medical community.

How Does NAET Therapy Work for Food Allergies?

NAET therapy involves several steps, with the goal of eliminating the body's allergic response to specific foods or allergens. The process typically follows these steps:

  1. Allergy Testing: NAET practitioners use muscle response testing (MRT) or applied kinesiology to identify allergens. This involves having the patient hold a sample of the suspected allergen while the practitioner tests the strength of their arm muscles. The idea is that contact with an allergen weakens the muscles, indicating an allergic response.

  2. Desensitization: Once allergens are identified, the practitioner uses a combination of acupressure or acupuncture on specific meridian points (energy pathways in the body) to help balance the body’s energy. This process is intended to reprogram the body so that it no longer reacts to the allergen.

  3. Avoidance Period: After treatment, the patient is often instructed to avoid the allergen for a period of time (typically 24 hours) to allow the body to adjust to the new energy state.

  4. Follow-up Sessions: NAET treatment usually requires multiple sessions to address all identified allergens. Each session may focus on a single allergen or a group of related allergens. Over time, the goal is to eliminate the body’s allergic response completely.

Benefits of NAET Therapy for Food Allergies

NAET therapy offers several potential benefits, particularly for individuals seeking an alternative to conventional food allergy treatments. Some of the reported benefits include:

  1. Holistic Approach: NAET takes a mind-body approach to allergy treatment, addressing the root causes of allergic reactions from an energetic perspective. It focuses not only on the physical response but also on emotional and mental factors that may contribute to allergies.

  2. Non-Invasive: NAET is a non-invasive therapy, using techniques like acupressure and muscle testing instead of drugs, injections, or allergen ingestion. This makes it an appealing option for individuals looking for a natural or drug-free solution.

  3. Treatment for Multiple Allergies: NAET therapy can address multiple allergens, including food, environmental, and chemical triggers. For people with multiple food allergies, NAET offers the possibility of reducing reactions to a variety of allergens over time.

  4. Personalized Treatment: NAET treatments are tailored to the individual’s specific allergic profile. Each session focuses on the allergens that are most relevant to the patient, making the treatment highly customized.

  5. Long-Term Relief: Proponents of NAET believe that once the therapy is successful, the body will no longer react to the allergens, offering the potential for long-term relief from food allergies without the need for lifelong avoidance.

Risks and Limitations of NAET Therapy

While many individuals report positive outcomes with NAET therapy, it’s important to be aware of its limitations and potential risks:

  1. Lack of Scientific Evidence: NAET therapy is considered an alternative treatment, and there is limited scientific research to support its effectiveness. The conventional medical community has not widely accepted NAET, and critics argue that its theories are not grounded in evidence-based science.

  2. No Guaranteed Results: Like many alternative therapies, NAET does not offer a guaranteed cure for food allergies. Results can vary widely from person to person, and there is no way to predict whether the therapy will work for a particular individual.

  3. Multiple Sessions Required: NAET therapy typically requires multiple treatment sessions, sometimes over an extended period. This can be time-consuming and costly, especially if it takes many sessions to see results.

  4. Not a Substitute for Medical Care: NAET should not be used as a substitute for conventional allergy management, particularly for individuals with severe or life-threatening food allergies. Patients should continue to follow their allergist’s advice and carry emergency medications like epinephrine in case of anaphylaxis.

  5. Controversial Diagnosis Methods: The muscle testing used in NAET to diagnose allergies is considered controversial in the medical community. Many allergists and researchers argue that muscle testing is not a reliable or scientifically valid method for diagnosing allergies.

Who Should Consider NAET Therapy?

NAET therapy may be worth exploring for individuals who:

  • Are interested in alternative or holistic treatments for managing their food allergies.
  • Have tried conventional treatments without success and are seeking new approaches.
  • Prefer non-invasive and drug-free options for allergy management.
  • Are looking to address multiple allergies simultaneously, including food and environmental triggers.

However, individuals with severe food allergies that pose a risk of anaphylaxis should consult with a qualified allergist before considering NAET. It is important to remember that NAET is an adjunct therapy, and patients should not rely solely on it for managing life-threatening allergies.


NAET therapy offers a unique, holistic approach to managing food allergies by targeting the body’s energy imbalances. While it is not a mainstream medical treatment and lacks substantial scientific backing, many individuals report positive results from NAET, finding relief from food allergies after completing therapy.

If you’re considering NAET therapy, it’s essential to work with a qualified practitioner and continue to follow conventional medical advice, especially if you have severe allergies. NAET therapy could be an intriguing option for those seeking a different path to wellness and relief from food allergies, but it should be approached with an informed and cautious mindset.

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